Snow is Falling


I still find it hard to believe that many of our friends both locally and out of state have NOT received snow this winter. We have a lovely abundance of the softest glistening snow, eager birds at our feeders, and the most beautiful assortment of watercolor snowflakes adorning our “big window.”


We did a bunch of snow play last week, but this week we’ve slowed with sickness in our house. Ava has really just wanted to be snuggled and wrapped up in blankets. It’s such a rarity with her to not want to just “go go go” so I really have savored this slow time of drinking tea together and creating inside. I must say the results of it have been gorgeous.


These snowflakes are a very fun, easy and beautiful project for little ones. We bought a 100 ct package of coffee filters from our local grocer for $1.59. Then simply laid out a place mat, taped one down and let Ava get to it with her watercolors. We have the cheap cake palette watercolors that you can get at the dollar store.


Then you simply hang them to dry. This takes less than an hour.


Once they are dry, you gently fold them in half and then again and again until you have a small cone shape.


Then just cut small shapes into the edges as your heart desires, just as you would for the paper snowflakes. We taped ours to the window. You could probably also iron them in wax paper to hold their shape and make a garland. We may send some as winter valentines to our family and friends. The possibilities are endless!

I love watercolors so much. They blend perfectly and their colors are smooth and gentle. We hope you get snow if that is your winter wish. If your wish is to be without shoveling this year, I hope you have no snow but enjoy these simple decorations in winter celebration!

Stay warm.


2 thoughts on “Snow is Falling

  1. Aunt Mer says:

    I LOVE what you did — I have the coffee filters and watercolor sets and will try this with our grandkids ASAP! We had snow flurries on Sunday but they didn’t “stick”. Very low temps today but no snow. Still, these would be beautiful decorations for anyone experiencing winter.


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